
NOIRLab Astro Data Archive

The NOIRLab Astro Data Archive (formerly NOAO Science Archive) provides access to data taken with more than 40 telescope and instrument combinations, including those operated in partnership with the WIYN, SOAR and SMARTS consortia, from semester 2004B to the present. In addition to raw data, pipeline-reduced data products from the DECam, Mosaic and NEWFIRM imagers are also available, as well as advanced data products delivered by teams carrying out surveys and other large observing programs with NSF OIR Lab facilities.


Total holdings 19,436,619 | Total volume 1,789,505 GB

Telescope/Instrument Total images Volume
bok23m - 90prime 288,788 0.80%
ct09m - ccd_imager 999,016 0.09%
ct13m - andicam 2,585,159 0.18%
ct13m - cpapir 46,039 0.00%
ct15m - ccd_spec 323,304 0.01%
ct15m - chiron 467,599 0.19%
ct15m - echelle 572,817 0.22%
ct1m - y4kcam 372,307 0.20%
ct4m - arcoiris 48,155 0.00%
ct4m - ccd_spec 17,100 0.00%
ct4m - cosmos 36,424 0.01%
ct4m - decam 7,083,762 93.39%
ct4m - hlsp_mosaic_2 1,113 0.01%
ct4m - ispi 157,168 0.04%
ct4m - mosaic_2 404,973 0.94%
ct4m - newfirm 510,042 0.25%
kp09m - ccd_imager 206,509 0.03%
kp09m - hdi 136,664 0.11%
kp09m - mosaic_1 34,211 0.09%
kp09m - mosaic_1_1 23,878 0.09%
kp21m - ccd_imager 54,379 0.01%
kp21m - ccd_spec 93,966 0.01%
kp21m - flamingos 119,095 0.03%
kp21m - gtcam 36,386 0.00%
kp21m - hlsp_ir_imager 140 0.00%
kp21m - ir_imager 154,128 0.00%
kp4m - flamingos 127,901 0.04%
kp4m - hlsp_mosaic 1,806 0.02%
kp4m - kosmos 30,845 0.01%
kp4m - mosaic 252 0.00%
kp4m - mosaic3 561,800 1.51%
kp4m - mosaic_1 119,676 0.24%
kp4m - mosaic_1_1 265,489 0.41%
kp4m - newfirm 1,309,757 0.73%
kpcf - ccd_imager 536 0.00%
kpcf - ccd_spec 9,719 0.00%
soar - ghts_blue 9,904 0.00%
soar - ghts_blue_imager 7,567 0.00%
soar - ghts_red 58,451 0.01%
soar - ghts_red_imager 33,985 0.00%
soar - goodman 899,180 0.09%
soar - osiris 166,641 0.01%
soar - sami 15,512 0.00%
soar - soi 272,128 0.04%
soar - spartan 191,741 0.04%
soar - triplespec 75,077 0.01%
wiyn - bench 158,207 0.02%
wiyn - ccd_imager 29,606 0.02%
wiyn - whirc 317,717 0.08%


This research uses services or data provided by the Astro Data Archive at NSF's NOIRLab. NOIRLab is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.